Which compressed air dryer is right for me?
Compressed air dryers play a crucial role in your compressed air system. While moisture is unavoidable in any compressor installation, the issues it can cause downstream are significant. From contaminating end products to damaging pneumatic machinery and other components, allowing moisture to remain in your system is not an option. This is where air dryers come in. Along with aftercoolers, dryers help remove moisture from the air, safeguarding your installation from the potential problems associated with moisture. But which type of compressed air dryer is best suited for your needs? How to Choose the Right Compressed Air Dryer Choosing the right compressed air dryer is essential to ensure it dries air at the rate your compressor produces, meeting your specific process requirements. Rather than relying on guesswork or simply replacing the existing unit, it's important to use calculation tools to determine the correct dryer size. There are six key factors to con...